i've been running on the board aroud 4-5 days
and when i found the topics like "จัดอันดับมหาลัยที่ดีที่สุดในประเทศไทย"
or "โรงเรียนที่ดีที่สุดในประเทศไทยจัดอันดับ" the result might end up with something
incredibly rude. i then do some research about this issue in broadly focus on
starting with individuality, even though, the university "used to be" or still be the place for ppl called themselves as " an educated ", but in their visions according to the human being habits and some laws of natural selection. make human as a great device somehow intermediate that doesn't care ppl around him and pull itself to be the greatest, based on this concept, like our lives are swimming in the pool of intimidation. Naturally, human being want to be above other to survive regardless their conditions which can be easily seen now in the High school admission systen which parents have to spend money for the chance to get their children into "the better school" (as we recognize) but some still stand in the lower positon,--as we conceived, some of these middle class member press their stress into their genes waiting for release it somedays.
ข้อความที่โพสจะต้องไม่น้อยกว่า {{min_t_comment}} ตัวอักษรและไม่เกิน {{max_t_comment}} ตัวอักษร
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